About Journal

  • About the Journal

    The Journal of Grey System (JGS) was established by Professor Julong Deng at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1988. It is currently co-sponsored by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Northwestern Polytechnical University. The Journal publishing innovative research on grey systems analysis and is devoted to the international advancement of grey systems theory and its practical applications. All the papers on developments of methodology, modeling technological and practical applications of Grey System Theory are welcome. In brief, the journal encourages and focuses on the development of functional methods, models, techniques and applications of Grey System Theory. It will be published bimonthly since 2024.


    The journal is a forum of the highest professional quality for both scientists and practitioners to exchange ideas and publish new discoveries on a vast array of topics and issues in grey system. It aims to bring forth anything from either innovative to known theories or practical applications in grey system. It provides everyone opportunities to present, criticize, and discuss their findings and ideas with others. A number of areas of particular interest (but not limited) are listed as follows:

    Grey Thinking and Grey Philosophy
    Grey mathematics
    Sequence Operator and Grey Data Mining

    Spectrum analysis of Grey Sequence
    Grey Incidence Analysis Models
    Grey Clustering Evaluation Models
    Grey Prediction Models
    Grey Decision Making Models
    Grey Programming Models
    Grey Input and Output Models
    Grey Control
    Grey Game
    Practical Applications of Various Grey Models


    The journal will be the most important forum of the highest professional quality. Both scientists and practitioners can exchange ideas and publish new discoveries on a vast array of topics and issues in grey system theory.

    Research information Broadcast: It provides state-of-art information on new developments and trends in grey system theory

    Research Idea Distribution: It provides everyone opportunities to present, criticize, and discuss findings, theories, and ideas with others

    Research Outcome Dissemination: It offers everyone chances to bring forth case studies and share experience in applying grey system models, methods and techniques to solve practical problems.

    Key Journal Audience

    The journal will be of special interest to both researchers in grey system theory and practitioners who apply theories to real world problems. Target groups of the journal are:

     Academic Researchers: including professors/associate professor, Senior lecturers/lecturers and other members of staff (e.g. research fellows, research associates, postdoctoral fellow) working with grey system theory and applications.

     Practitioners: consisting of people working in consulting companies, officials from different levels of government

    Undergraduates: Master’s and PhD students in various majors such as System Sciences, Data Sciences, Management Sciences, Engineering and Social Sciences are also among the groups the journal intends to reach.

    List of Conferences

    International Congress of Grey System and Uncertainty Analysis (GSUA)

    IEEE International Conference on Grey System and Intelligent Service

    GSSC Annual Conference on Grey System in Mainland China

    Annual Conference on Grey System in Taiwan of China

    Annual IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics

    WOSC International Congress of Cybernetics and System
  • 2020-09-16 Visited: 13607