A Conformable Fractional Non-homogeneous Grey Forecasting Model
with Adjustable Parameters CFNGMA(1,1,k,c) and its Application
1. School of Science, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Deyang, Sichuan, 618307, P.R. China
2. School of Mathematics and Physics, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, Sichuan, 621010, P.R. China
3. College of Business Planning,
Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing,
400067, P.R. China
Wenqing Wu , Xin Ma , Bo Zeng , Peng Zhang. A Conformable Fractional Non-homogeneous Grey Forecasting Model
with Adjustable Parameters CFNGMA(1,1,k,c) and its Application [J]. The Journal of Grey System, 2024, 36(2): 1-12.